Easy to Build WIFI 2. GHz Yagi Antenna 8 Steps with PicturesThe most essential point in printing the template is getting the correct scale. In the attached zip file below, are three png picture files. The antenna is longer than an Letter sized or A4 sized paper. So you have to print the template in two parts labeled part. The RSGB launched its new fiveyear strategy in April 2017 and already it is having an impact on plans and activities across the organisation. A 146 Mhz JPole Antenna A 2 meter 146 Mhz JPole antenna that is inexpensive, and easy to build. Simple jpole antenna for 2 meter how to build a Jpole antenna. I have also included the full sized unsplit template if your printer can handle large enough paper. PRINTING Make sure to set your printers properties to ORIGINAL SIZE not best fit to page ect. Set the print orientation to LANDSCAPE. VERIFYING SCALE Use a ruler or caliper to measure if the print is of correct scale. You will notice vertical bars crossing the horizontal line. The vertical bars represent the Yagi elements which will be made from paperclips. The horizontal line is the backbone of the antenna which will be build out of popsicle sticks. You will also notice numbers next to the elements. These numbers are in pairs. The first number is the length of the element in millimeters. The second number, is the distance from the start of the diagram to the element, in millimeters. Measure the size and position of a couple of elements on each prints. If your measurements match the numbers on the diagrams, then your print is to scale and you may proceed. Accuracy need not to be tight for the antenna to perform well. Now superimpose both prints, until they match at around element 1. The Tape Measure Antenna 5 Steps with PicturesAre you looking for an easy kid friendly project Are you looking for a project to encourage a new generation of ham radio operators This project is unusual, so its something that will certainly capture the attention of anyone, particularly a kid. Its an antenna built out of PVC pipe, a tape measure and a handful of hose clamps. This antenna is designed for two meter operations, which, for a newbie ham operator, is one of the bands available under the Technician license in the US. Plus its easy to build and gives a great opportunity to teach several subjects with a hands on approach. Disclaimer This project isnt new its not even my idea or design. I used the design from Joe Leggios WB2. HOL. The plans to his antenna are here. Project Background. My nephew recently expressed interest in earning his Technician class amateur radio license. While some people discount the Technician level license of amateur radio as ridiculously simple including a well known conservative talk radio personality its not so easy for an eight year old. It requires comprehension of concepts that they still have yet to cover in school. Topics like basic algebra and principals of electricity. When I set out to find a project, I was looking for something unusual that would grab his attention but something that was easy, fast and required few tools or skills. And I wanted it to be cheap. There is a total of 2. The fundamentals of antennas is the one area Ive been finding difficult to teach my nephew. Mostly because I refuse to teach the test. I want him to fully understand the material, not just pass a test. And I have found that I have had to teach him basic algebra in the process. This project was perfect as I could scale it up or down as a lesson in a number of ways. Which is to say you can use the plans to build a perfectly workable antenna, or, you can use the formula for a Yagi antenna to modify the design. In my case, my nephew and I used the plans from WB2. HOL, but we worked through the math to come up with element lengths. And, in the end, we built something useable for when he earns his Technician class license. Materials List. 34 Schedule 4. PVC Pipe at least 2. PVC pipe. 1 34 PVC tee. The proposed long range transmitter circuit really is very steady, harmonic free design which you can use with standard fm frequencies between 88 and 108 MHz. Youll need to cut two pieces of PVC pipe. One piece will be 17 12. The other 7. This, along with the PVC connectors, will form the frame of the antenna. 11 meter Moxon Antenna suitable for 27MHz CB. Dimensions can also be used on lower 28MHz Amateur Radio operation band. The main advantage of Moxon rectangle antenna. PVC crosses. 8 RG 5. I soldered a female BNC to mine. I used 1. 8 gauge solid copper wire, but Im told anything works. Rosin core solder. Tape measure with 1 wide tape. PVC glue. Tools Needed. Soldering iron. Tape measure. Pipe cutters. Wire stripper. Shears or scissors. Sand paper. SWR Meter. Screwdriver or wrench for tightening the hose clamps. Acknowledgements. Yagi Calculator is a program to assist with the design of long yagi antennas. It uses the graphs and principles developed by DL6WU and printed. A 2 Meter and 70 CM Portable Tape Measure Beam Work the OSCAR ham satellites or go transmitter hunting with this inexpensive portable dual band handheld tape measure. Ref ID AntennaType AntennaDescription Author Website 1 Log Periodic LOG periodic dipol array httpalain. caupene. perso. neuf. frLogperiodic. htm. Do you have trouble getting your mobile signal into the LEO satellites Try this small 2 meter vertical antenna with your mobile rig or HT and enjoy more success in.