When somebody forwarded an email as an attachment, you used to be able to click on it in Windows Mail or Outlook Express, and the message opened nicely in Outlook. I am unable to open my Hotmail attachments. I am able to open attachments on other email services such as Yahoo, but not Hotmail. Why I hope your answer. Email attachments are often the way that viruses spread throughout the internet. Email programs may by default block you from opening attachments. Capability Service Credits Used Storage Feature Services Storage excludes feature attachments 2. MB stored based on hourly calculations of storage. Open, edit, and send back email attachments using Excel for iPad. Change Program Used Open Email Attachments' title='Change Program Used Open Email Attachments' />CREATEORREPLACEPROCEDUREapps. VARCHAR2,retode. NUMBER,pconcurrentprogramname. VARCHAR2,pparameter. NUMBERISVariable declarationfhandle. UTLFILE. filetype vtextout. VARCHAR23. 20. 00 text. Why Does My Cake Dome And Crack. VARCHAR23. 20. 00 vrequestid. NUMBER NULL vrequeststatus. BOOLEAN vphase. VARCHAR22. VARCHAR22. 00. 0 vdevphase. VARCHAR22. 00. 0 vdevstatus. VARCHAR22. 00. 0 vmessage. VARCHAR22. 00. 0 vapplicationid. CQ-V5mVhKwA/0.jpg' alt='Change Program Used Open Email Attachments' title='Change Program Used Open Email Attachments' />NUMBER vconcurrentprogramid. NUMBER vconcprogshortname. VARCHAR21. 00 vconcprogapplshortname. VARCHAR21. 00 voutputfilepath. VARCHAR22. 00 BEGINfndfile. Conc. Prog pconcurrentprogramname fndfile. Parameter. 1 pparameter. Get Concurrentprogramid of the desired program and applicationid BEGINSELECT concurrentprogramid, applicationid. INTO vconcurrentprogramid, vapplicationid. FROM fndconcurrentprogramstl. WHERE userconcurrentprogramname pconcurrentprogramname fndfile. LOG,Conc. Prog. ID vconcurrentprogramid fndfile. LOG, Application. ID vapplicationid Get the programs. ShortnameSELECTconcurrentprogramname. INTOvconcprogshortname. FROMfndconcurrentprograms. WHEREconcurrentprogramidvconcurrentprogramid fndfile. LOG,Conc Prog Short Name vconcprogshortname Get the Application Short name SELECTapplicationshortname. INTOvconcprogapplshortname. FROMfndapplication. WHEREapplicationidvapplicationid fndfile. LOG,Application Short Name vconcprogapplshortname EXCEPTIONWHENOTHERSTHENfndfile. LOG,Error SQLERRM END Calling fndrequest. NULL, Description. NULL, Time to start the program. FALSE, sub programpparameter. LOG,Concurrent Request Submitted Successfully vrequestid COMMIT IFvrequestid. ISNOTNULLTHENalling fndconcurrent. INTERVAL 1. 0,maxwait 0,phase vphase,status vwaitstatus,devphase vdevphase,devstatus vdevstatus,MESSAGE vmessage vdevphase NULL vdevstatus NULL ENDIF Getting the path where output file of the program is created SELECToutfilename. INTOvoutputfilepath. FROMfndconcurrentrequests. WHERErequestidvrequestid Open the output file in Read mode fhandle UTLFILE. ERPScommonadminoutERPSchools,ovrequestid. IFUTLFILE. isopenfhandleTHENDBMSOUTPUT. File read open ELSEDBMSOUTPUT. File read not open ENDIF Get the contents of the file into variable textLOOPBEGINUTLFILE. UTLTCP. crlf EXCEPTIONWHENNODATAFOUNDTHENEXIT END ENDLOOP UTLFILE. Calling UTLMAIL. Email attachment UTLMAIL. Testmail,MESSAGE Hello,attachment text,attinline FALSE END.