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Expansion 1.11 Patch Average ratng: 7,7/10 9650votes

Patch 1. 2. 2 Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. Patch 1. 2. 2, aka Russia, was released on 2. The patch was released alongside the Third Rome DLC. Expansion Features Mare Nostrum New Subject Interaction called press sailors which allows you to take sailors from your colonial nations. The Cossacks Added a cossacks unit category, which has 1. Cossack Cavalry are raised through actions in the cossack estate. The Cossacks Added 3 new Cossacks Estate Interactions. Added new unit category Streltsy, which deals 1. Added new diplomatic ability to Tsardom, they can now claim an entire state for 5. Tsardom and Principalities now have three new unique abilities, Reform Sudebik to reduce autonomy by 1. Support Oprichnina to reduce all rebel factions by 3. Raise Streltsy which gives 2. You can now spend 5 patriarch authority to commision a new set of icons to all churches. A set of icons provide a boost to your nation in one aspect for twenty years. Expansion 1.11 Patch' title='Expansion 1.11 Patch' />I envisioned This Land Is Mine as the last scene of my potentialpossiblemaybe feature film, SederMasochism, but its the first and so far only scene Ive. Initially seen as the Armys answer to how to settle the frontier, the camels eventually became a literal beast of burden, with no home on the range. Patch 1. 22, aka Russia, was released on 20170614 with the checksum b6eb. The patch was released alongside the Third Rome DLC. Expansion Features. It is now possible for Orthodox countries to consecrate a Metropolitan in any state that is fully orthodox and accepted culture that has at least 3. Consecrating it will increase maintenance by 1. Russian ideas now gives an ability to colonise without colonists adjacent to cities that can trace a path to capital for a diplomatic cost. Free Features Added new Tsardom government type. Added new Principality government type. Added Veche Republic government type. Added Tsardom events. Gamebalance. Diplomacy Breaking march status is now just 5. Colonies get 1 Liberty Desire per every 1 tariffs rate. Colonies to not get LD from relative power. You can now Threaten War over claims cores someones subject owns. Marches now gets bonuses if they have less than 2. Send Officers is now only valid on marches with less than 2. Victory cards are now allowed on Tributaries and Tributaries can now get them on their overlords. Applies to all voluntary subject types. Economy Blockades now increase devastation like a siege does. Blockaded provinces no longer get devastation recovery from control, revanchism or forts, just like siege and occupation. Governments Effects from Absoutism are now capped at 1. Mandate penalty from neighbouring non tributaries is now calculated from all owned areas instead of just the home area. Religion Karma has been rebalanced. You no longer lose karma for taking your own cores. Karma impact from development in peacedeals now scales by administrative efficiency. Converting provinces now gives 0. Ideas Policies Poland Nihil Novi now also gives some WE reduction. Russia and Muscowy now have unique and separate ideagroups. Military Traditions moved to Second place in Aristocratic Ideas. The Aristocratic Idea Local Nobility now gives global autonomy and yearly absolutism. The Aristocratic Idea Serfdom increased to 3. Manpower. The Aristocratic Idea international Diplomacy now also gives 1 free leaders. The Aristocratic Idea noble Noble Resilience replaced with Noble Connections 2. Aristocratic Finisher is now 1 leader siege. Revised and balanced Russian National Ideas. Units You can now only recruit banners for fully cored provinces. War Peace Disallowed Transfer Vassal peace treaty for several casus bellis. Artillery Barrage is now available even if a small automatic breach have been done. Nation Designer Prussian Monarchy now costs 1. Nation Designer, up from 5. Slashed Ruler Personalities costs in Nation Designer. Template Blogger Islamic. AIDiplomacy AI subjects can no longer refuse to take land that their overlord gives them in peace deals. This excludes Tributaries based on isvoluntary. AI no longer cares about potential alliesmarriages being above diplomatic relations limit. AI emperors now more interested in unifying religion of HRE. Open Book Software Program'>Open Book Software Program. AI may now target centers of reformation for force converting in peace. The AI now clicks on bordering nations to discover their capitals. Tuned down aggressiveness for AI with non militarist rulers against smaller nations slightly. Further attempts to make HRE emperor act to keep the diversity in the empire. The first AI wave of sending diplomatic actions is now spread out over five days, instead of all on the first. AI no longer spams military access requests when you say no. AI Call to Arms acceptance from Attitude towards enemies now adds one fifth of, instead of twice the, Aggressive Expansion relation penalty. AI should now be better at dealing with rebels. AI no longer asks you to be their tributary when trust is below 5, to stop spamming. Only AIs of government rank 1 HREMAXRANK or lower now want to join the HRE. Improved AI for disinheriting and abdicating. Economy AI merchant republics no longer make states taking them over the 2. AI now strives to increase absolutism. AI no longer assigns more than 2. AI now rather disbands normal regiments than banners. War Fixed that if the AI split an army and one of the new armies got scared off to uncolonized land, both armies would then refuse to move. Improved AI handling of rebels by changing autonomy. Improved AI for when to use mercenaries. Significantly reduced AI aggressiveness when in debt. AI now stays away from dangerous borders in peace time by default. Improved AI army coordination. Interface. Country Macrobuilder now remembers which tab was open when reopening it. Unitselection in military view now closes when you hit escape. Military view now tells you when you get your next unit of that type. Fixed that Interregnums created with special name through scripts were just called Interregnum. Icons Modifiers that support opposite icons now show those in all places where appropriate. Fixed that Pay off Debt interaction used Scutage icon. Added outliner icon to armies when they are sieging. Allied objectives given to other countries are now shown as map icons. Provinces Added so autonomy mapmode shows provinces minimum autonomy limit as well. Tooltips Hovering over states territories in stability screen will sort them based on highest development and highest province count Reworked the states territories breakdown tooltip to make it a bit easier to read with shiny fancy icons Alert for Make State now lists development of the state in the tooltip. Alert for Make State will no longer appear for states where all your provinces belong to a trade company. Improved the can create state alert tooltip with icons. Fixed that Is a subject type tooltip was shown instead of Is NOT a subject type. Fixed that Threaten War tooltip gave the full description for Declare War. Tooltip to Cede Province treaties now show breakdown of war score cost. Harsh treatment cost modifiers are now shown in the tooltip for the button. Added a detailed delayed tooltip to state maintenane in state view. Unitmodels USA now uses the american dream unit pack infantry for artillery as well. U Tsang and Guge now use their Buddhist unit pack units with artillery as well. War Peace Fixed that peace offers displayed war score cost in peace view did not always refresh when reopening the window. Added details to regiment count tooltips in militaryview, telling you how many you have of each category. Leader selection now closes when you hit escape. Fixed that Cancel Subject and Transfer Subject peace options were visible even when it would never be selectable except for colonies. Other Changed enabled dlc list in lobby to allow more entries. Added new Metropilitan mapmode. You can now search for AreasStatesTerritories in the Province Finder. The Province Finder is now also available in the Lobby.